Many years ago and straight out of graduate school, I was hired as Executive Director of the Association of Community Arts Councils of Kansas and was lucky enough to work with rural arts councils throughout the state and to see first-hand how groups of (mostly) women encouraged culture on the Plains. From there, I went on to work for the National Endowment for the Arts as Regional Representative, eventually serving a territory that stretched over the Dateline, over the Equator, and over the Arctic Circle. For a Kansas girl, the culture and the scenery were most seductive – and made me appreciate my own pioneer heritage all the more.
For over twenty years, I've worked as a free-lance consultant in the arts – conducting strategic planning, initiating audience engagement projects, and assessing grant programs for nonprofit organizations, government agencies, and private foundations. I have served on the boards of Americans for the Arts, Association of California Symphony Orchestras, and Western Arts Alliance, as well as on numerous national panels.
Among the many benefits of having published a book about civic engagement are the invitations to speak to libraries, book clubs, bookstores, and other community groups. Please email me at romalyn at aol dot com if you're interested in exploring a date.
Partial Client List:
New England Foundation for the Arts
Doris Duke Charitable Foundation
James Irvine Foundation
Hawaii State Council on the Arts
Tennessee Arts Council
Kansas Arts Commission
Oregon Arts Commission
Association of Performing Arts Presenters
Viver Brasil
Heidi Duckler Dance
California Presenters
AMAN International Music & Dance
International Performing Arts for Youth
Writers Program, UCLA
M.S. University of Kansas, Journalism
B.A. University of Kansas, Humanities
Djerassi Artist Residency, Icelandic Writers Retreat, and San Miguel de Allende Writers Workshop.